updating oE writef


include io.e 
namespace io 
public procedure writef(object fm, object data = {}, object fn = 1, object data_not_string = 0) 

writes formatted text to a file.


There are two ways to pass arguments to this function:

  1. Traditional way with first arg being a file handle.
    1. : integer, The file handle.
    2. : sequence, The format pattern.
    3. : object, The data that will be formatted.
    4. data_not_string: object, If not 0 then the data is not a string. By default this is 0 meaning that data could be a single string.
  1. Alternative way with first argument being the format pattern.
    1. : sequence, Format pattern.
    2. : sequence, The data that will be formatted,
    3. : object, The file to receive the formatted output. Default is to the STDOUT device (console).
    4. data_not_string: object, If not 0 then the data is not a string. By default this is 0 meaning that data could be a single string.
  • With the traditional arguments, the first argument must be an integer file handle.
  • With the alternative arguments, the thrid argument can be a file name string, in which case it is opened for output, written to and then closed.
  • With the alternative arguments, the third argument can be a two-element sequence containing a file name string and an output type ("a" for append, "w" for write), in which case it is opened accordingly, written to and then closed.
  • With the alternative arguments, the third argument can a file handle, in which case it is written to only
  • The format pattern uses the formatting codes defined in text:format.
  • When the data to be formatted is a single text string, it does not have to be enclosed in braces,
Example 1:
-- To console 
writef("Today is [4], [u2:3] [3:02], [1:4].",  
       {Year, MonthName, Day, DayName}) 
-- To "sample.txt" 
writef("Today is [4], [u2:3] [3:02], [1:4].",  
       {Year, MonthName, Day, DayName}, "sample.txt") 
-- To "sample.dat" 
integer dat = open("sample.dat", "w") 
writef("Today is [4], [u2:3] [3:02], [1:4].",  
       {Year, MonthName, Day, DayName}, dat) 
-- Appended to "sample.log" 
writef("Today is [4], [u2:3] [3:02], [1:4].",  
       {Year, MonthName, Day, DayName}, {"sample.log", "a"}) 
-- Simple message to console 
writef("A message") 
-- Another console message 
writef(STDERR, "This is a []", "message") 
-- Outputs two numbers 
writef(STDERR, "First [], second []", {65, 100}, 1) 
     -- Note that {65, 100} is also "Ad" 
See Also:

text:format, writefln, write_lines

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